© 2012 – Ned Barnett, APR,
Fellow, American Hospital Association
Adjunct Professor:
Middle Tennessee State University
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Marketing and Public Relations Fellow,
American Hospital Association
Finances for Non-Financial Marketers
Hospital Marketing: Step-by-Step
Insider’s Guide to Hospital Finances
State of the Art in Healthcare
Introduction – The Base of the Pyramid
Social Networking communications are
comprised of “content” and “conversation.”
“Content” – White Papers, Case Studies, Blogs, Video Blogs, Blog
Comments, Webinars and other forms of content – is what brings readers (or
viewers) to a Social Media site – and, if the content adds value, it brings
them back. Conversation” – Tweets,
Facebook and LinkedIn posts and other forms of conversation – is what humanizes
Social Networking – and, if effective in that role, turns readers or viewers
into followers and fans. The effective
combination of “content” and “conversation” is what turns a blogger into a
“subject matter expert” or “Thought Leader,” someone who is cited, referred to,
respected and called on for information and insight.
While “conversation” is what humanizes your
presence in the world of Social Media, what you produce as content is the basis
of your Social Networking success. To
gather followers, before you can dazzle them with your “conversation,” you must
first have something worth saying – content.
Further, to impress them with content, you next must come up with
effective ways of communicating what you have to say.
Blogs and video blogs, white papers and case
studies – even webinars and YouTube videos – all succeed as means of presenting
content. This is because the huge number
of people who use the Internet as the basis for personal information gathering
are not, in fact, a group, but individuals.
These individuals have very personal preferences for how they receive
and take in “content” – and in many cases, they may have different preferences
for different kinds of content.
For instance, some prefer to read a brief and
relatively casual blog, while others prefer the more in-depth (and occasionally
scholarly) approach that typifies white papers.
Still other content readers value the facts-and-figures, as well as the
stated or implied testimonials that can be found in case studies. However, a completely other group of social
networkers prefer to obtain their information in a more visual format. They prefer video blogs to blogs, more
in-depth YouTube videos to white papers, and webinars to case studies.
The truly successful content communicator makes use of more than one format. Bloggers, for instance, may also create video blogs – short on “production values” but long on content, which also have a “conversational” function by highlighting their personalities. The most successful social networkers will make use of most – or all – of the available content formats, the better to reach the broadest possible audience, allowing the audience themselves to choose the format which they prefer.
That multi-format approach to content presentation is also inherent in the “Pyramid” approach to successful social networking. Properly done, this approach can also lead to the successful creation of the ultimate and most credible form of “content” – the eBook.
Creating eBooks has often proved daunting to
otherwise successful content creators, in part because the very idea of
creating an effective and coherent book-length document is intimidating. This seems to be especially true for those content
creators who are accustomed to writing and presenting complete and cogent
thoughts in 750-word (or less) blogs.
However, as the author of ten published books
– and the ghost-writer of at least that many other books, I began to consider
how bloggers could turn their brief and insightful content into viable and
effective eBooks. What I developed, over
a period of more than 18 months of study and experimentation, is what I call The
Pyramid Approach to Social Networking Content Development and Deployment. Using the Pyramid approach, a content creator
can easily and painlessly create the basis of a successful eBook – and, as will
be shown, that individual will also create reader demand for that eBook, even
as it’s being written in early-draft form.
With this system, by first planning a focused
eBook and creating an outline of that book’s eventual chapter-by-chapter (and
sub-section by sub-section) content, the actual book content can be created in
a series of blogs, white papers, case studies and other, shorter documents. By focusing on individual (and shorter)
formats that are already familiar to (and within the comfort zone of ) the
Social Networker, the stress and anxiety that are often the nemesis of
successful first-time book authors becomes irrelevant.
However, this “Pyramid” approach goes several
steps further. First, by publishing
these carefully planned-out blogs, white papers and case studies in social
media’s various “content” platforms, the ideas themselves begin to appear
online, and – if they’re sound and well-written – to develop a following. Then, by promoting each of these blogs, case
studies or white papers through the social media’s “conversation” platforms –
including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter – awareness of, and later demand for,
the building blocks that will lead to the eBook itself will build interest and
demand long before the eBook itself is completed.
Though elements of this have been used by
others in the past, the careful and planned integration of these various
approaches represent something new to the Social Networking world – I’m only
exaggerating a little when I say that I’d patent this approach if I could …
This innovative and integrated approach
allows content creators to develop, over time, a few topical blogs, focused
white papers and on-target case studies, then string them together into an
eBook. This distinctive process can, and
should, be supported by video blogs, YouTube videos and webinars – the
audio-visual equivalent of blogs, white papers and case studies – to further
build demand for the eBook, long before it’s completed and published.
Perhaps most important, this Pyramid approach
has the potential to turn anyone who has specific expertise – and the ability
to write effective blogs – into a published eBook author, with all the
credibility and respect that being a published author can generate.
What follows is an adaptation of an article
published in July PR News.
The Value and Impact of an eBook
Whether an eBook has been sold or given away,
an eBook created using the approach presented here makes the person who
produced the eBook an author – and, for a variety of reasons, both the Internet
and the news media respect authors and accord them a level of credibility hard
to obtain in other ways. Even better, as soon as an author decides to
write an eBook and come up with at least a provisional title, that person is
legitimately “the author of the forthcoming book, ______,” and can begin
immediately to experience at least some of the benefits of being a published
In addition, each blog, white paper, case
study or audio-visual equivalent can legitimately be presented as “based on the
forthcoming book, _____________,” giving that shorter-form content added
credibility as well. However, the eBook
can go a lot farther than that in creating both credibility and success.
An excellent example is author and PR expert
David Meerman Scott (http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/). He first created a free eBook on the emerging
subject of “PR 2.0.,” a new “take” on public relations that freely and
effectively integrates social networking into more traditional public
relations. That eBook was downloaded for
free more than 250,000 times, making it something of an eBook sensation. However, since he wrote that eBook, he
expanded and converted it into a conventionally-published book which, in 2006,
became a New York Times business bestseller.
Even more remarkable, because of the rapid changes in social networking
in the latter half of the last decade, Scott found the need to produce a second
and significantly updated edition (http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/books/the-new-rules-of-marketing-and-pr/)
– and that book also became a New York Times business bestseller.
While Scott has written other marketing and communications books which have also been successful, I believe that it was his 250,000-copy free eBook and his two editions of his New York Times bestseller which firmly positioned him as a subject matter expert and Thought Leading innovator in the integration between social networking and public relations. He has been able to transform that widespread recognition and respect into a remarkable career as a consultant and worldwide public speaker – as well as a continually successful author and innovator.
David Meerman Scott’s example is obviously the “best case scenario,” a publishing success that also became a dynamic career-builder, but it is also, arguably, an effective model for any aspiring eBook author. For instance, in addition to his free-download eBook – which is still available – he has also converted sections and sub-sections of his books into blogs and other short-form “content.” This information is easily searchable by topic, and anyone who finds useful information from one of these blogs becomes an instant candidate for purchasing the published version of the book, along with other published books.
Using this approach, you can use your
personal and professional knowledge, as well as your writing skill, to become a
published eBook author. Better, you can do it quickly and painlessly –
and it can be more fun than you’d believe possible. This approach can also help you become a
social networking subject-matter expert, or even a “Thought Leader,” as well as a published
However, don’t expect – if you follow this approach – that you will soon be giving talks all over the world. As I said, that was the ultimate best case scenario. However, whether you write your own book or you work together with a writing coach (or even a ghost-writer), you could easily become a reputable and well-known – in your field – published author, with all the respect and credibility that status generates.
The Process
The process itself is simple, and it comes
with two variations.
The first – you do it all yourself. You have clear ideas of what you want to say
(and to whom you want to say it), and you know how to organize your
thoughts. You also have the basic
writing and communications skills to develop blogs that attract and satisfy the
information needs of your readers.
Finally, you are self-motivated.
In this case, you will do all of this yourself, and you’ll be surprised
at how easy it is to accomplish all of the steps involved.
The second approach – you work with a writing coach, a co-writer or ghost-writer – to take your ideas and experience and translate them into the blogs, white papers, case studies (and their audio-visual parallels – video blogs, YouTube videos and webinars), all focused on ultimately converting that same information into the chapters, sections and sub-sections of your eBook.
Because I am currently working with several different authors/clients in creating books of this nature, using this approach, I am going to present the process here as a collaborative one. However, if you’re an effective and self-motivated writer, take these steps and execute them yourself, and you’ll create your own eBook in far less time than you likely expect it to take.
As you develop the concept, please keep in
mind that an eBook does not have to be as long as a published book to be successful. There are successful and well-received
business or non-fiction eBooks that run from 35 to 50 pages, though eBooks of
250 pages are not uncommon. This length is measured in “typeset pages,” rather
than manuscript pages, but eBooks that run less than 100 manuscript pages can
be considered “real books” and – if the topic and the writing are on-target –
they will be accepted by their readers.
That, after all, being the writer’s goal, you can see that success isn’t
dependent on producing Tom Clancy-length books.
Having decided to proceed with an eBook, here are the steps you’ll take.
First, working on your own or with your
writing coach/co-writer, come up with a focused topic, along with a title for
the eBook. The title should be catchy –
but it should also define the information you want to share, as well as the
market you want to reach. Once you have
nailed down a useful and informative focused topic and the eye-catching title,
create a detailed table of contents for the book. Experience has shown that for a
straightforward topic, seven to nine chapters is sufficient to present the
material, but that length is remarkably flexible.
Regardless of the ultimate length of the
eBook, the first chapter will be a summary – it will tell the readers what you’re
going to cover in the book. Then the
middle chapters will actually present the real in-depth content. Finally, wrap it all up in a tight and
informative summary that comprises the final chapter.
A note for authors who would like to create follow-on books, know that – if you plan the book properly at the outset, each of the “content chapters” can be expanded into its own eBook. Think of how John Gray turned “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” into a dozen or so books, each describing how this one basic relationship approach can be made to work in the board room, in the marriage bed, when dating again and in many other interpersonal arenas. Just as John Gray did with his series of books (and as the Chicken Soup guys did in more than 125 spin-off books), you can expand your initial book’s “content” chapters into a series of useful in-depth eBooks on more narrow topics.
But that’s down-the-road, for the
future. Let’s look at how you can create this first book.
First, as noted, the subject and the
title. Then an in-depth, detailed
outline of what will be covered in each of the chapters. Then, before you start writing, break down
each of the chapters into a more detailed outline that covers the content in
each chapter’s sections and sub-sections.
That’s actually a pretty standard approach
used by writers for almost any kind of non-fiction book. However, we’re
talking about creating an eBook using the Pyramid approach, and that means
we’ll be using a host of social media tools to present the eBook’s information
far and wide over the Internet. This approach will result in building your
reputation among future readers EVEN AS YOU WRITE THE BOOK.
As you create the book’s content, blog by
blog, white paper by white paper, we’ll be laying the groundwork for e-publishing
success, once the eBook is completed and ready to either sell or give away.
Which leads us to one of the true secrets of the Pyramid approach to creating an eBook. Basically, as we develop the content – the blogs, case studies, the white papers and other material that will ultimately be revised for use as the building blocks of the eBook’s chapters, sections and sub-sections – we keep writing and presenting that same very useful (to the readers) material, over and over again.
The content material in the blogs becomes the basis of the case studies and white papers; and all of them become the core content material for the eBook’s chapters and sections and sub-sections. There is a remarkable economy of creative thought here – the basic ideas you have developed will be presented several times, in several different formats. Each of these formats will appeal to a certain kind of content consumer – as noted, some prefer the relatively casual approach of blogs, others like the nuts-and-bolts of case studies, and still others like to see it visually, rather than to read it in print format. Yet in each instance, the core information remains the same.
Here’s how I do it. If you work on your own, just adapt these steps to your own creative process.
For each section or sub-section of the book,
I first interview my client/author for anywhere between 45 minutes and two
hours at a sitting. In these interviews,
I use my laptop to take detailed notes right into the eBook’s outline, obtaining
the background information I need in order to write that section of the book
for or with the author.
I commend this in-depth interview process to
you, even if you are going to do all the writing yourself. Each interview becomes a collaborative brainstorming
session. As a professional interviewer,
I “challenge” my authors to think beyond the basics of the outline, perhaps unearthing
ideas or information not anticipated in the outline. This is always
valuable, and usually winds up enhancing the depth and value of the building
blocks that lead to the eBook.
To make sure I didn’t misunderstanding, I
write up the interview and share it with my author. I ask that person to confirm that I heard it
and understood the information presented. Once the named author of the
forthcoming eBook clears my notes as being on-target, I take that interview
material and write it down in a series of several different formats. As noted
above, that’s the “secret sauce” of the Pyramid approach to writing an
eBook. The information is presented in
different formats, as blogs or video blogs, as white papers or YouTube video
presentations (often “white board” presentations), and as case studies or
webinars. That material, re-presented in
these different formats, is then pulled together as the sub-sections and
sections and chapters of the eBook – but by the time we get around to writing
the eBook, we have a thorough grasp of the content, and have “experimented”
with presenting it in several formats.
In my experience, this has always enriched the final material, helping
to ensure that the eBook is as good as the subject matter and the writer’s
communications skills can make it.
To move the development of the material leading to the eBook forward, we tend to schedule these interviews at a regular time, once every week or two. Even the busiest professionals or business owners – if they’re serious about creating an eBook – will adjust their schedule to permit these interviews. Some interviews are conducted over lunch, that being a time when even the busiest individuals generally take a break. While doing this during business hours has obvious advantages, some interviews are scheduled in the evenings or on weekends. If the eBook is a priority, it’s more important to maintain a regular schedule than it is to find a convenient time during the business day.
For most of my clients, I do the writing for
them, as their co- or ghost-writer, first because I’m an experienced writer,
and also so they don’t get bogged down in the process of creating the copy and
content. My clients are busy professionals or business owners, and while
they are motivated to create an eBook – or a series of related eBooks – they find
that day-to-day priorities of their professional practices or businesses tend
to push the book into the “priority backwater.”
However, some of my clients are so intensely
motivated – and they have the necessary written communications skills – to take
on the writing for themselves. Either
approach is valid. The goal shouldn’t be
“auctorial pride;” rather, the goal should involve getting a quality eBook
written and published, so the author can reap the benefits that come from being
a published author.
When I write for or with my clients, generally
their roles involve reviewing and editing what I write – the blogs, white
papers, case studies and, ultimately, the chapters of the eBook. Obviously,
they have to take a more visible role (pun intended) in producing video blogs,
YouTube white-board videos and webinars. Still, they rely on me to create the
script, the talking points and outline their audio-visual presentations.
If you are a good and motivated writer, and
if you honestly have the time and interest to take on an eBook project from
beginning to end – from outline to “interview” to blogs and white papers to
eBook chapters – you don’t need someone me, or you only need an experienced
writer as coach and editor.
Returning to process, first, write blogs
about the material that will ultimately be featured in the eBook’s sections and
sub-sections. In parallel, you can and should also create video blogs
paralleling each of these blogs.
It’s not as widely known as it should be, but
– after Google – YouTube is the most widely used search engine. Millions
of people prefer to get their information via video, rather than in written
Just as important, and benefitting the
average blog-writer, overly “produced” and “polished” videos often do not do
well on YouTube. That site’s “corporate
culture” prefers more off-the-cuff, “just you and me” spontaneous-looking video
blogs and other videos, and those are easy to create. The video
equivalent of white papers can be created using a “white board” presentation
that, again, is relatively lacking in sophisticated production values. What counts is the quality of the
information, and the enthusiasm of the presenter.
To focus your growing YouTube audience, you’ll
want to create a YouTube “network” for your video blogs and virtual white paper
Returning to the written blogs, to publish
these blogs, first create a website that includes a place to publish
blogs. However, you will also want to
create a Blogger or WordPress blog-site as well. The blogs published on your website and on
the blog-site should have different titles and modified first paragraphs – this
is an SEO requirement, and is relatively easy to accommodate.
As far as the blog-publishing sites, I find a
Blogger blog-site easier to create, but harder to use. Conversely, a WordPress blog-site is, for me
at least, a bit harder to create, but it is far more flexible in creating the
blogs. Both Blogger and WordPress are
legitimate and valid blog-publishing sites, so choose the one that best suits
There is no cost for the basic WordPress or
Blogger blog-site, though some “template” designs for these two sites have a
relatively minor cost. Especially if you do WordPress, unless you have
web-creation skills or a fifteen-year old in the upstairs bedroom, I suggest
that you retain the services of a webmaster to help you set up the template
To enhance your blogging “reach” – and to
attract new readers – you’ll need to also search out other blogs, by other
writers, covering the same material to be included in sections of your book.
Find good blogs that relate to your topics, then add respectful comments to
their blogs. In these, you should either
agree with the blogger, then adding a new point or two – or, you should very
respectfully disagree, and explain that disagreement briefly and concisely.
There are three keys:
Be respectful
Add value with your comment
Include a link back to your own blog-site or
Either agree or disagree, this is an
effective and legitimate way of leveraging other blog-writers’ followers. You’ll be persuading them to check you out,
not by any sales pitch but by virtue of the quality of your comments. These should demonstrate that you are also
worth following. Cutting to the chase, this is legitimized poaching, one
of the few ways of co-opting others’ followers that is accepted and approved of
by the Social Networking community.
Having finished up with the blogs and their
video offshoots, take the same core content material and re-work it. Write this information up – perhaps drawing
from several more narrowly-focused blogs – as white papers and case
Let me emphasize that: in the Pyramid
approach, these white papers and case studies cover the same basic material as
is found in the blogs. However, that
information is presented to a largely different set of readers, and given to
them from a different perspective and in a different writing style.
As a rule of thumb, blogs – along with video
blogs and comments on others’ blogs – tend to be more conversational and
informal. However, white papers tend to
be more formal, and, with links to sources and even a list of “further reading,”
almost academic in tone and feel.
However, case studies are very practical and pragmatic, with nuts-and-bolts
information, as well as – frequently – either direct or indirect testimonials.
This same approach translates well into the audio-visual
format – as noted, white board presentations can cover the material found in
white papers, while webinars tend to be effective in presenting case study and
testimonial information. The video
formats are flexible and will vary from topic to topic, and from author to
author. The key is to translate the information
from blogs, white papers and case studies into video presentations that work
for your audiences.
As noted, some people prefer to get their information in a relaxed and informal format, while others prefer a more formal and credibly academic style, while still others prefer the nuts-and-bolts … or, as Dragnet’s Sergeant Friday used to say, “just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.” To satisfy the maximum number of followers, give the social networking market the same core information – with a choice of formats, so that readers can find what you have to say in the format they most prefer.
But it’s still the same material, presented in different formats.
Finally, as noted earlier, we take the same basic
information obtained in that initial interview – information that’s already
been presented as blogs and white papers and case studies – then we rework it
into book sections and sub-sections. Each bit of information generated in
the interview, based on the in-depth eBook outline, gets presented to readers
at least three or four different times, in three or four different formats, all
of them culminating in the eBook.
Take a moment to absorb this. It’s critical to this whole Pyramid approach to writing and disseminating eBooks. Keep re-using the same material, presenting it in different formats, the better to suit the information needs of different people. Each time you rework the same core information, you gain additional followers and further enhance your reputation in your own market niche.
Having done that, let’s now look promoting this material. Again, not once, but every time it’s used, and in several formats each time as well.
Each time you publish a blog or post a video
blog (or submit a blog comment), and each time you post a white paper or case
study for downloading from your website, promote this new content via posts on
Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as through Twitter tweets (making use of
hashtags when appropriate) – or, if you’re material is visual, Pinterest.
Use these various more conversationally-oriented social media sites to promote blogs and other content. You can get by with something no more complicated than a “check out my new blog” posts on these social networks.
However, in advance of these posts, especially for LinkedIn and Facebook, first join discussion groups that cover the topics related to your eBook. Don’t just join – contribute to them occasionally. This is part of the “Conversation” element of Social Networking. This will give you credibility and some advanced visibility when you then post an invitation to check out your new content. This pre-established credibility is critical to building a following in the social networking world.
I find that, for each new published piece of content, post several different promotions/invitations on Facebook and LinkedIn, and create as many as seven different Tweets, each targeting a different element of the content and each focusing on a different segment of the likely audience.
What this amounts to is volume – what advertisers call ‘reach and frequency’ – that, together, help generate audience interest. For a single piece of content information, you might create:
three to five narrowly focused blogs – each of
which also has a companion video blog – which leads to …
one white paper and a YouTube video, perhaps
a white-board presentation – which leads to …
one case study and a related webinar
A sub-section in the eBook
Then, except for the sub-section in the eBook
(which will be promoted as part of the whole book), you’ll also create and
three different Facebook invitation posts
three different LinkedIn invitation posts
seven different Tweets
If you’re into numbers, each ultimate
sub-section of the eBook will be based on up to 14 distinct content posts, each
of which will be promoted online 13 different times – a total of 182 “conversation”
promotion posts. Do the math – before you
ever write that sub-section of the book, the “word” on that particular content will
be out there 196 discrete times. That’s
a lot of pre-promotion for the eBook.
However, to significantly further enhance the
impact of any really meaningful or “seminal” content you create – budget
permitting – you should do some conventional media public relations to further
get the word out, reaching audiences you’re sure to miss with your online
promotions. This begins when you write
and issue a press release. I recommend that these be sent out via BusinessWire,
which is – for what you intend to accomplish – still the best release distribution
service in the business. This puts your
information out in an entirely new venue – Google-searchable news.
One reason for using BusinessWire – it has
contracts with roughly 300 news aggregator sites, including Yahoo Finance and
MSN, and every press release is guaranteed to be posted at least that many
name-recognizable news websites. That
does you a lot of SEO good, as well, but the primary purpose is to attract new
first-time readers who’d otherwise never have heard of you.
While many bloggers will post a Facebook and LinkedIn
comment, along with a tweet or two promoting a new content posting – and you’ll
do that, too – relatively few ever consider the huge potential for attracting
new followers that comes from creating and issuing provocative press releases
to support those new content products.
Remember – in every promotion post on any social network, and especially
in every press release – be sure to mention that this material is from the
forthcoming eBook, “_______________.”
That will get the book’s name out, and add credibility to whatever
content you have created, published and promoted.
When your topics are “public interest,”
consider obtaining a media list and pitching talk radio and talk television
producers, offering yourself as a published expert in the topic. Here’s an example of how this works:
In 2008,
testing this as a new concept, I first developed five specific informative and
controversial business-related topics that were also tied to that year’s
Presidential election. Next, I wrote
each of these topics up as articles or blogs and secured their publication in a
prestigious online news-and-commentary “e-zine.” I then contacted a producer at several media
outlets and pitched myself as an expert on the topic of the day – including a
link to my published write-up on that topic.
Five for five, I secured interviews on Neil Cavuto’s program on Fox
Business, as well as five interviews with Imus; I also appeared on 56 other
radio talk programs across the country.
Finally, one article was read in its entirety by Rush Limbaugh on his
highest-rated national talk radio program, one that had 20 million listeners
per week. In short, by leveraging an online
publication of an intriguing topic, I was able to appear on a significant
number of national and regional radio and television programs.
This same approach can work for almost any
eBook author. There are other examples
where, through effective public relations, I was able to take something a
client wrote (or something I wrote for the client) and got them on CNN, MSNBC,
in USA Today and even in the editorial page of the New York Times. There are no guarantees, but it is certainly
worth the effort – especially when you have something newsworthy and perhaps a
bit controversial to say, and especially when the media perceives you as
published author.
The bottom line – use all the avenues available to you to legitimately promote each new content posting. Each promotion will ultimately help you, in large ways or small, to promote your eBook.
The Pyramid
This whole Pyramid approach is really very
simple and logical, but when I developed the concept, I was frankly amazed to
find how often these steps are overlooked by other bloggers or even successful
eBook authors.
Bottom line – after each author/writer interview, use the same information over and over again. In the process, create a content pyramid that focuses on building an audience and creating an impact – in essence, making the maximum use of each sub-section in the eBook.
This chart may help you visualize how it
Two key elements of the Pyramid approach that
this graphic doesn’t show are the way we re-use content (up to 14 times for any
given eBook sub-section), and the way we promote each new published piece of
content (up to 196 times online, plus any PR or press activity you undertake).
Finally, to promote this new material (blogs,
case studies, white papers – and ultimately the eBook) in the Social Networking
world, we will create and post at least one Facebook post, one LinkedIn Post
(each shared widely with groups, multiplying their impact) and probably
three-to-seven Twitter tweets for each new piece of content – each blog, video
blog, blog comment, white paper or case study. And also for each piece of
media coverage (link to radio interviews, print/internet write-ups, etc.) – we
want to invite people to see your content and accomplishments over and over
That creates a great deal of useful online
activity, all focused directly or indirectly on your eBook. However, because you’ll keep re-working and
re-packaging the same basic material in different formats for different
audiences, you’ll accomplish a great deal of activity with only a relatively
little bit of actual “new” creative work.
Taken together, this Pyramid approach ensures
that you have both the “content” that is one half of the Social Networking
experience, along with the “conversation” part of the equation.
This new approach to leveraging both “content”
and “conversation” to build an audience in the Social Networking field – all designed
to turn you into a subject matter expert and “Thought Leader” – will help you focus
on your own eBook success. If you have all the information you need to create
the content and handle the conversation, go for it.
However, if you’d like help in turning
yourself into a published author – and a powerhouse in your specialty area –
then find an experienced and prolific writer who is ready to help you, as coach
and interviewer, or as co-writer or ghost-writer.
When you’re ready, as Star Trek’s Captain
Picard said, “make it so.”
About the Author
In addition to
a forty-year career as an award-winning and accredited public relations
professional, author and college professor, Ned Barnett has written ten
published books under his own name, and ghost-written perhaps twice that many
books for clients.
He began his
love-affair with publishing and promoting published works when his various
publishers uniformly failed to effectively promote his books. Taking over that role, Barnett successfully
positioned his books so that at least four of the ten sold out their press runs
– and one was reprinted in a second edition. These published books focused primarily on
marketing and Public Relations, especially in the healthcare field (then
Barnett’s specialty), but one book was a guide to understanding finances for
non-financial marketers, another was a guide for Wall Street traders on the
five largest publicly-traded for-profit hospital companies, one was a biography
of a retired CIA pilot, and others addressed equally diverse fields.
The first of
these books was published in 1982, and since then, Barnett has never stopped writing,
or promoting books and publishers. In addition to his ten published books
in his own name, he’s ghost-written at least that many books for clients, as
well as many dozens of in-depth case studies, white papers and hundreds of
published articles, featured in the New York Times, Time, Newsweek, the Wall
Street Journal and numerous trade and consumer publications for clients over
the years.
Continuing his love-affair with books and publishing, he also marketed and promoted a half-dozen different publishing companies – his clients – and, for a decade, he was a partner in a literary agency. Through thirty years of active book writing, as well as the promotion of books, authors and publishers, Barnett has come to know something about publishing, and about what that can do for published authors.
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